
© Lorenzo Gill & Lina Marcela Arias_Colombia_3
El encuentro de Lorenzo Gill con los Tikuna en el Amazonas: Eudocia & Lorenzo Gill © 2020 Cortesía de Lorenzo Gill (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta / Colombia)           COLOMBIA:   Entrevista con el indígena Lorenzo Gill             Lorenzo Gill Etnia […]

COLOMBIA: Entrevista con el indígena Lorenzo Gill

Slider_© 2020 Courtesy of Lorenzo Gil
Lorenzo Gill’s encounter with the Tikuna in the Amazon: Eudocia & Lorenzo Gill © 2020 Courtesy of Lorenzo Gill (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta/Colombia)             COLOMBIA:   Interview with indigenous Lorenzo Gill             Lorenzo Gill He belongs to the Wiwa […]

COLOMBIA: Interview with indigenous Lorenzo Gill

Giovanna Aryafara
Our cooperation partner Giovanna Aryafara is an Australian photographer living in Bali. She is known for her fascinating portraits of indigenous people from many parts of the world. Giovanna Aryafara is currently working on a project in Kenya. With this video she gives us an insight into the annual Kenyan […]

KENYA: Giovanna Aryafara: Video impressions from the Tribe Festival

Andrea Brackmann
                        Andrea Brackmann: „Ich finde die interkulturellen Aspekte von Hochbegabung sehr wichtig. Viele bekannte Genies haben sich theoretisch und auch sehr konkret für die Gleichberechtigung von Nationalitäten, Völkern und Kulturen eingesetzt. […] Die Philosophin Hannah Arendt oder Albert Einstein […]

ANDREA BRACKMANN: Expertin, Psychologin & Bestseller-Autorin im Interview

Arun Nevader_Beauty detail from the Christian Cowan runway show at NYFW Pier 59 Fall 2017_New York
    For the Intercultural Network For The Highly Gifted, the topic of giftedness means not only a specific IQ classification, but above all creativity, joie de vivre, lifestyle, aesthetics and diversity. And that is exactly why we would like to introduce the London Hat Week to you.     […]

LONDON: Hat Week 10/2020: Celebrating the Art of Hats

    We – the team of the “Intercultural Network for the Gifted” – are proud to announce our participation in Side Fashion Week in London on February 15, 2020 which was represented by our team member and cooperation partner Zarya Azadi. Ms. Zarya Azadi is an international Yazidi model […]

LONDON: Our participation in Fashion Week 02/2020

Photographer Arun Nevader_2 1
        Zu fein für diese Welt         Die Hochsensibilität ist keine Krankheit, sondern eine geerbte Begabung. Etwa 15 – 20 Prozent der Menschen gelten in der Bevölkerung als hochsensibel.   Hochsensible Persönlichkeiten (= Highly Sensitive Persons = HSP) unterscheiden sich vom Großteil der Bevölkerung […]

Hochsensibilität: Zu fein für diese Welt